Targeted Muscle Reinnervation


Phantom limb pain, a distressing phenomenon experienced by amputees, can significantly impact the quality of life. At Phoenix Plastic Surgery, we specialize in innovative techniques like Targeted Muscle Reinnervation (TMR) to provide relief and improve the lives of amputees.

Phantom Limb Pain: Understanding the Challenge

Phantom limb pain is a sensation of pain or discomfort that amputees feel in a limb that is no longer there. It is a complex and poorly understood condition that can manifest in various ways such as burning, cramping, or shooting pain. This phenomenon can have a profound impact on an individual’s physical and emotional well-being.

The Role of Targeted Muscle Reinnervation (TMR)

TMR is an innovative surgical technique that aims to alleviate phantom limb pain by rerouting the nerves from the amputated limb to nearby muscles. This procedure involves several key steps:

  1. Identifying Nerves: During TMR surgery, the residual nerves that used to supply the amputated limb are carefully identified.
  2. Rerouting Nerves: These nerves are then redirected and surgically attached to nearby muscles within the residual limb.
  3. Nerve Signaling: Over time, the nerves begin to send signals to the reinnervated muscles, which contract and generate movement.
Before and After Photo of Amputee Patient Wearing Prosthetic Limb After Nerve Transfer (i.e. TMR) for Pain Phoenix Arizona

How TMR Alleviates Phantom Limb Pain

While the exact mechanisms are still being researched, TMR has shown remarkable success in reducing or even eliminating phantom limb pain. TMR is believed to help alleviate phantom limb pain in several ways:

  • Restored Sensory Feedback: By rerouting nerves to muscles, TMR provides the brain with sensory feedback reducing the perception of pain in the absent limb.
  • Improved Motor Function: TMR allows for improved control of prosthetic devices enhancing the patient’s ability to perform daily activities.
  • Cortical Remapping: TMR may facilitate changes in the brain’s sensory and motor cortex helping to rewire neural pathways and reduce pain perception.


Choose Precision and Healing: Phoenix Plastic Surgery

Targeted muscle reinnervation isn’t just about pain relief—it’s a journey toward empowered living and renewed functionality. Dr. Roni Prucz, known for his expertise and personalized care, understands the significance of delivering results that align seamlessly with your aspirations. With years of experience and top-notch training, Dr. Prucz is the number one rated Plastic Surgeon in Phoenix, Scottsdale Top Plastic Surgeon, and a Paradise Valley Top Plastic Surgeon. Click here to schedule a consultation today!

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Related Procedures


Artificial Joint Infections

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Brachial Plexus Repair

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Cosmetic Reconstructive

Breast Implant Removal

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Reconstructive Cosmetic

Breast Implant Illness

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Cosmetic Reconstructive

Breast Implants

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Breast Reconstruction

After lumpectomy (i.e. partial breast removal) or mastectomy (total breast removal) for the treatment of breast cancer there are many options available for reconstruction.  These options include breast implants, local muscle flap (i.e. latissimus muscle), and free tissue transfer (i.e. microsurgery/DIEP).  Please click the specific procedures to learn about each of these options.
Cosmetic Reconstructive

Breast Revision

Breast surgeries can be complicated by infection, capsular contracture, and unwanted cosmetic results.  Our surgical team specializes in correcting these deformities to restore the breast size and shape you desire.

Burn Reconstruction

Burns can be severe injuries causing significant deformities, contractures, and limiting mobility.  A variety of options including skin grafts, tissue expanders, and flap reconstruction can be used to improve these injuries.

Carpal Tunnel Release

Carpal tunnel syndrome causes numbness of the hand, pain, and weakness.  Surgical decompression of the median nerve improves these symptoms.

Cubital Tunnel Release

Cubital tunnel syndrome causes numbness of the hand, pain, and weakness.  Surgical decompression of the ulnar nerve improves these symptoms.

DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction

A DIEP (i.e. deep inferior epigastric perforator) flap reconstruction uses the patient’s own abdominal tissue to reconstruct the breast.  The skin and fat is lifted off of the abdominal muscle and transferred to the breast.  With this advanced technique, which is performed by only a few surgeons in the Valley, the patient’s breast are reconstructed without implants using her own abdominal tissue.  As an added bonus since the transferred tissue is from the belly the patient gets a tummy tuck! Also, unlike a TRAM (i.e. transverse rectus adipomyocutaneous) flap reconstruction, the abdominal muscles are not removed decreasing hernias and bulges.
Cosmetic Reconstructive

Ear Surgery

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Facial Fractures

Fractures of the face often require surgery to return the bones to their normal position.  Plates and screws are often applied to keep the bones in the correct position.  Treatable fractures include injuries to the mandible, orbit, cheek (i.e. zygoma), and nose.
Cosmetic Reconstructive

Fat Grafting

Fat grafting is a safe and permanent alternative to synthetic fillers that uses liposuction to harvest your excess body fat and transfer it to areas needing soft tissue augmentation.  This powerful technique can be used to reduce wrinkles, correct dark eyes, and large fat transfers can also be used for breast surgery.

Hand Dislocations

Dislocations of the joints of the hand often require surgery to return the bones to their normal position.  Wires and screws may be need to keep the joints in their normal position.

Hand Fractures

Fractures of the hand often require surgery to return the bones to their normal position.  Plates and screws are often applied to keep the bones in the correct position.  Treatable fractures include injuries to the fingers, wrist, and forearm.
Cosmetic Reconstructive

Hernia Repair

Hernias occur when there is an opening or weakness in the muscle or tissues of your abdomen creating abnormal bulges, pain, and possible GI symptoms.  Commonly treated hernias include umbilical and ventral hernias.  Mesh is often used to restore integrity to the abdominal wall and to eliminate bulging that cannot be improved with exercise alone.

Latissimus Muscle Flap

The latissimus muscle is a back muscle and one of the largest muscles of the body.  The muscle can be transferred for reconstruction of the breast or torso.  The latissimus can also be transferred as a free flap for reconstruction of extremity wounds.

Limb Salvage

Traumatic injuries and cancer may require that a limb be amputated.  Our team is one of the most experienced groups in the Valley with a high success rate for limb salvage.  Advanced surgical techniques are routinely offered to preserve functional limbs whenever possible.
Reconstructive Cosmetic

Lipomas and Cysts

Lumps and bumps are due to a variety of abnormal growths including lipomas (i.e. benign growths of fat) and cysts.  They can cause disfigurement, pain, and infections. Only removal by a skilled surgeon that completely excises the abnormal tissue can ensure these lesions do not recur.
Cosmetic Reconstructive


During a mastopexy (i.e. breast lift) procedure droopy nipples (i.e. breast ptosis) and deflated breasts are reshaped to create a more perky appearance.  This procedure is similar to a breast reduction although minimal breast tissue is removed.  A mastopexy is also commonly performed after breast implant removal to remove excess skin.


Microsurgery is an advanced surgical technique where a microscope is used to repair nerves and blood vessels.  It is also a powerful tool for transferring tissue from one part of the body to another (i.e. free flap) and reattachment of severed parts (i.e. replantation).  Microsurgery reconstruction is typically reserved for complex problems where skin grafting and local muscle flaps are not an option.

Migraine Surgery

Migraine surgery can reduce headache frequency, duration, and pain by decompressing the sensory nerves and vessels that may be causing your symptoms.  Trigger points can be surgically released.  Botox may also be effective.

Morel Lavallee

Morel Lavallee are a closed degloving soft tissue injury that is caused by abrupt separation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue from the underlying fascia. These often lead to recurrent fluid collections and are very commonly misdiagnosed.

Muscle Flap

Muscle flaps are a powerful tool for reconstructive procedures. By transferring muscle to different parts of the body soft tissue defects can be corrected to cover bone, nerves, vessels, artificial joints, and other hardware.

Nerve Injury

Nerve injuries can cause permanent disability.  Using advanced surgical techniques including microsurgery, nerve grafts, and nerve transfers function can be restored.
Cosmetic Reconstructive


Prominent ears are ears that stick out from the head more than is considered normal. During an otoplasty procedure the ear is reshaped and repositioned by correcting the cartilage and skin deformity.  The surgery takes about an hour to complete and the results are permanent.

Peroneal Nerve Decompression

Peroneal nerve compression causes numbness of the foot, pain, and weakness with ankle extension.  Surgical decompression of the peroneal nerve improves these symptoms.

Sarcoma Reconstruction

Sarcomas are a type of cancer  of the bones and soft tissue.  Surgical removal often creates large defects that require extensive reconstruction.  Our team performs more sarcoma reconstructions than any other medical team in the Valley.

Scalp Reconstruction

Injuries to the scalp from trauma, chronic wounds, or defects from cancer can be reconstructed using a variety of surgical techniques including skin grafts, tissue expanders, and local tissue rearrangement.
Cosmetic Reconstructive

Scar Revision

Scars from injuries or prior surgeries can be improved with non-surgical options such as skin resurfacing or with surgery to create a finer scar.  Contractures, contour deformities, discoloration, and wide scars can often be significantly improved.
Reconstructive Cosmetic

Skin Cancer

Cancers of the skin include basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.  Our team specializes in removing these cancers and reconstructing the affected area to minimize scarring.

Spine Reconstruction

Spine surgeries including decompressions and fusions can become exposed or infected.  Our team works closely with Spine surgeons to cover exposed hardware and reconstruct surgical wounds.  We perform more spine salvage procedures than any other reconstruction team in the Valley.

Sural Flap

A sural flap is an adipofascial flap used to reconstruct wounds of the ankle and leg. It provides thin pliable skin without the need for a skin graft.

Tarsal Tunnel Decompression

Posterior tibial nerve compression causes numbness of the foot, pain, and weakness of the ankle.  Surgical decompression of the tibial nerve improves these symptoms.

Tendon Injuries

Tendon injuries result in loss of flexion or extension of the fingers and/or wrist.  Surgery is often needed to repair the tendon to restore function.

Tissue Expander

A tissue expander is an empty implant that is placed beneath skin and fat to stretch tissue.  Expanders are used commonly in breast reconstruction, burn injuries, and anywhere else where additional skin is needed to fix an injury.
Reconstructive Cosmetic

Vascular Malformations

Vascular malformations are abnormal growths of the blood vessels.  These malformations can create painful "lumps and bumps" and resection often requires reconstruction using local tissue advancement techniques.

Wound Treatment

Acute and chronic wounds can be debilitating.  Reconstruction options include skin grafts, local tissue rearrangement, muscle flap, and free flap surgery.  Non-surgical options also include the use of the newest wound healing products and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Wrist and Hand Fractures

Wrist, hand, and finger fractures are common injuries that can cause pain, swelling, and limited mobility. Surgical treatment is often required.